Spring assessment of the condition of agricultural and horticultural crops in 2024

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Winter and spring losses in winter cereal sown areas were small, amounting to about 0.9% for: winter cereal mixtures, about 0.3% for winter barley and about 0.1% for rye. In winter wheat and winter triticale plantations, winter losses were less than 0.1%.The current year's sown area of basic cereals with cereal mixtures is preliminary estimated to be smaller than last year's (after taking into account the area plowed up due to winter damage) at about 5.7 million hectares (a reduction of about 1.6%). According to preliminary estimates, the area under rape and turnip rape is expected to decrease by about 1.9%.

The information includes the results of the spring crop condition assessment conducted in the first half of May 2024. The assessment was based on expert opinions of Statistics Poland's field appraisers prepared on the basis of vetting of fields, meadows and orchards.
The spring crop condition assessment also includes an estimate of the sown area of major agricultural crops using satellite remote sensing methods and an estimate of winter and spring losses.

