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Editorial Title-Plan of the Statistics Poland and RSO

Publication announcements

No. Type Document title Date of publication
106 Publication Demographic situation in Poland up to 2020. Deaths and mortality 04.01.2021
107 Publication Demographic situation in Poland up to 2023 30.09.2024
108 Publication Demographic Yearbook of Poland 2024 26.11.2024
109 Publication Determinants of success of small and medium-sized enterprises 23.06.2022
110 Publication Determinants of the entrepreneurship development in the SME’s sector 13.02.2019
111 Publication Development and implementation of methodology of in-depth research on construction activity in gminas and functional areas covered by ITI 13.02.2019
112 Publication Development of a methodology and estimation of the number of employed persons in the national economy by place of residence and main workplace at NUTS level 4, the registered unemployment rate at NUTS level 5 and measures of gross wages and salaries at NUTS level 4 25.02.2019
113 Publication Development of indicators on municipal waste management in gminas and Municipal Waste Management Regions 26.02.2019
114 Publication Development of methodology and estimation of data on workers in the national economy at the poviat level (NTS 4) (POPT 2007-2013) 31.12.2013
115 Publication Development of methodology and realization of a survey of a thermo-modernization activity scale in multi-dwelling residential buildings 01.03.2019
116 Publication Development of methodology and survey of the degree of adjustment of selected enterprises to the economic requirements of the fourth wave of the industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) 26.08.2020
117 Publication Development of methodology of obtaining data and project indicators implemented in the scope of municipal infrastructure from the common list of key indicators 2014-2020 of the Cohesion Fund at the municipality (gmina) level (NTS 5) and within the agglomeration (defined in accordance with Polish Water Law) (POPT 2007-2013) 31.12.2013
118 Publication Development of monitoring indicators of functional urban areas in voivodship centres in the scope of housing development at the municipality (gmina) level (NTS 5) (POPT 2007-2013) 31.12.2013
119 Publication Development of the methodology and estimation of the external costs of air pollution emitted from road transport at national level 26.02.2019
120 Publication Development of the social economy in 2019. The results of pilot studies 13.12.2021
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