On July 13, 2023, we celebrate 105 years of the Statistics Poland!

Statistics Poland was established by the Rescript of the Regency Council of the Kingdom of Poland on July 13, 1918. Less than a year after regaining independence, the Legislative Sejm passed the Act on the organisation of administrative statistics on October 21, 1919. For 105 years, from the date of its creation, Statistics Poland - as the only Polish public institution - has not changed its name.
From the beginning of its activity, Statistics Poland conducted research work, thus building the information resources and potential of the reborn country. Statistics Poland has been an active office throughout its history. In 1921, 1923 and 1929 he co-organized three congresses of city statisticians, and in 1928 and 1930 he published two editions of Statistics of Polish Cities. From 1921/22, the Statistics Poland issued administrative maps of Poland.
Already in 1921, Statistics Poland conducts the first general census, and in 1931 another. In the post-war period, censuses were carried out in 1946, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1978, 1988, 2002, 2011 and in 2021.
Surveys conducted by Statistics Poland provide data users with the information necessary to design and implement policies at the local and national level. The activity of the Statistics Poland in the historical and current dimension is focused on obtaining socio-economic data and modernising the methods of collecting, processing and presenting them.
Statistics Poland practically no longer collects data in traditional paper form, focusing on electronic reporting and using many types of new data sources (including Big Data, satellite remote sensing). The research and IT potential that we currently have consists of the work and commitment of many generations of Polish statisticians and the experience accumulated over the years. Polish official statistics strives to improve statistical research by increasing the effectiveness of our research while reducing it respondents' reporting burden.
For the regular production of official national and international statistics, we use innovative methods of processing and analysing large volumes of Big Data. For this purpose, we use, among others, machine learning and develop programming solutions. We are actively looking for better and better forms of data presentation, tailored to the needs of our recipients. Statistics Poland actively participates in international bodies of the EU, UN and statistical organisations, engaging in numerous research and development projects.
Dialogue with stakeholders is an important element of our activity. We conduct activities integrating the academic, public administration and educational environments. We want public statistics to be close to people. For this purpose, we organise a number of events and conduct activities thanks to which we constantly expand the group of users of statistical data. We also conduct numerous educational and CSR activities.