It is with deep regret that we say goodbye to Professor Stanisława Bartosiewicz

It was with great sorrow that we received the news of the death of the outstanding scholar Professor Stanislava Bartosiewicz. Mrs. Professor was a big-hearted person, an outstanding scientist, and for many people an authority in the field of quantitative methods. Professor Bartosiewicz's scientific output abounds in numerous works on economics, econometrics and statistics. Polish science has lost a valued academic lecturer, co-founder of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business and the school of didactics of econometrics. Professor Stanisława Bartosiewicz shaped the scientific interests of students and mentored many doctoral theses. Being already retired, she continued her scientific activity, trying to observe and analyze socio-economic issues on an ongoing basis.
In 2018, the Professor was the guest of honor at the Second Congress of Polish Statistics, organized on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Statistics Poland. She passionately discussed the history of public statistics (Download the presentation in ppt format).
In 2020, we celebrated the Professor's 100th birthday. She took her first student steps in 1938 at the Academy of Foreign Trade in Lviv. In recognition of her scientific achievements, Professor Stanislava Bartosiewicz received an honorary doctorate from the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business and an Honorary Badge for Merit to Statistics of the Republic of Poland.
Information about the funeral ceremony, can be found on the website of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business:
It was Mrs. Professor's wish that flowers, bouquets and funeral wreaths be replaced by a donation to any charitable cause.
It is with deep regret that we bid farewell to Professor Stanisława Bartosiewicz.