Information of Statistics Poland on the revision of national accounts in 1995-2022

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Statistics Poland informs that in October 2024 will be published revised data on gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national income (GNI), developed as part of the so-called benchmark revision.

The principles for revision of Polish national and regional accounts1 are based on the recommendations of the Harmonized European Revision Policy (HERP)2.

The revision of Polish national accounts in 2024 will include the results of work on further improvement of data compilation methods and the use of new data sources. As in the previous data revisions, changes will be implemented in both annual and quarterly national accounts as well as in all applicable breakdowns and classifications.

The changes implemented in the national accounts will cover the period 1995-2022 and will mainly affect statistics of non-financial corporations sector, financial corporations sector, households sector, foreign trade balance and gross capital formation.

Detailed information on the impact of the introduced changes on gross domestic product and gross national income will be made available on 10th October 2024 in a note accompanying the Information of Statistics Poland on the revised estimate of gross domestic product for the year 2023.


1 Principles of revision policy of Polish national and regional accounts are available on the website Statistics Poland / Topics / National accounts / Annual national accounts / Principles of revision policy of Polish national and regional accounts

2 Detailed information on the dates, frequency, scope and depth of revisions in national accounts statistics in EU in accordance with HERP are provided in the Eurostat Practical guidelines for revising ESA 2010 data, 2019 edition. The guideline is available on the website

