Publication Financial results of economic entities in 2017

Characteristics of scale and structure of (fixed and current) assets and sources of asset financing (liabilities) of entities maintaining balance sheets (keeping accounting books), including entities with the majority foreign capital in share capital. Presentation of revenue, cost, financial performance characterising the financial condition of such entities, including the cost level indicator, gross and net turnover profitability rates. Information on current assets, revenue and cost of business entities maintaining a revenue and expense ledger.

Publication Specialized segments of the financial market 2017

The publication presents the situation of specialized segments on the financial market along with an in-depth analysis of their activities, as well as the presentation of their financial situation.

Communique/Announcements Price indices of residential premises by voivodships in the third quarter of 2018

Price indices of residential premises by voivodships in the third quarter of 2018 as compared to the second quarter of 2018.

Statistics in focus Price indices of residential premises in the third quarter of 2018

Prices of residential premises in the third quarter of 2018, compared with the previous quarter, incresed by 1.3% (of which on the primary market - by 0.3% and on the secondary market - by 2.1%).

Publication Economic activity of entities with foreign capital in 2017

Presentation of the size and structure of the capital involved with entities with a share of foreign capital, including foreign capital, state of its origin and basic financial results and economic indicators describing the operations conducted by these entities.

Statistics in focus Flash estimate of the consumer price index in December 2018

Consumer prices according to the flash estimate in December 2018, compared with the previous month, remained at the same level (price index 100,0), and compared with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 1,1% (price index 101,1).

Publication Statistical Yearbook of Maritime Economy 2018

Comprehensive statistical information presenting the condition of maritime economy in 2017, in comparison with previous years.

Publication Fixed assets in the National Economy in 2017

Value of Expenses on Fixed Assets. Data on the gross and net book value of fixed assets, commissioned for use, liquidated.

Publication Property of gminas and powiats in years 2015–2017

The work is a comprehensive presentation of statistical information on the property-related aspects of the functioning of gminas and powiats, with particular emphasis on assets used for carrying out own tasks. The publication will also indicate the spatial diversity of the local government property.
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