Publication Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services 2000-2021 (April 2021)

Assessment of the situation in manufacturing, construction, trade and services (with in-depth presentation of results in accommodation and food service activities) is based upon the subjective opinions about actual and future business situation expressed by the directors of the surveyed companies.

Publication Socio-economic situation of the country in the 1st quarter of 2021

Short-term analysis of phenomena and processes taking place, among others, in the area of the labour market, wages and salaries, prices, basic areas of the national economy (agriculture, industry, construction, domestic market), transport and foreign trade, as well as the situation in selected countries of the world.

Table Tourists in tourist accommodation establishments. February 2021

Tourists (domestic and foreign) in tourist accommodation establishments possesing 10 or more bed places in 2021.

Statistics in focus Retail sales index - March 2021

In March 2021 retail sales at constant prices were by 15.2% higher than the year before (against a decrease of 8.9% in March 2020).

Statistics in focus Index numbers of construction and assembly production in March 2021

According to preliminary data construction and assembly production (in constant prices) carried out domestically by construction enterprises employing more than 9 persons was in March 2021 by 10.8% lower than a year before (against a increase by 3.7% the year before) and by 34.2% higher compared with February 2021 (against a increase by 25.0% the year before).

Statistics in focus The Statistics Poland information on the updated 2019-2020 quarterly GDP estimate

According to the final estimate gross domestic product (GDP) in 2019 grew by 4.7% year-on-year comparison against 4.5% previously published. The decrease of GDP in 2020 did not change and it was 2.7%.

Statistics in focus General government deficit and debt in 2020

According to the EDP notification, in 2020 the general government deficit was equal 161 544 mln zl (7,0% of GDP), while the general government debt amounted to 1 335 569 mln zl (57,5% of GDP).

Statistics in focus Consumer tendency - April 2021

In April 2021, there was a slight improvement in both current and future consumer sentiment moods compared to the previous month. The current consumer confidence indicator, synthetically describing the current trends in individual consumption, was -22.5a which was by 0.5 p.p. higher in relation to last month.

Statistics in focus Residential construction in the period of January-March 2021

In the first quarter of 2021, there were more dwellings completed than the year before. The number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project as well as dwellings in which construction has begun also increased.

Statistics in focus Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - April 2021

In most of presented kinds of activities general business climate indicator in April is at a slightly higher level than in the previous month.
1    262  263  264  265  266  267  268  269  270    592
