Statistics in focus Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in April 2021

In April 2021, average paid employment in enterprise sector was higher by 0.9% y/y and amounted to 6316.9 thousand, while average wages and salaries were higher by 9.9% y/y and amounted to 5805.72 PLN (gross).

Publication Road transport in Poland in the years 2018 and 2019

Information on entities conducting economic activity: employment, wages and salaries, finances of enterprises, investment outlays, fixed assets, transport fleet, transport of goods (by organisational transport forms, destinations, types of goods, groups of goods, distance classes) and passengers, voivodship balances of transport as well as information on road network, registered motor vehicles, road accidents. Selected information on road transport in EU countries.

Publication Financial results of non-financial enterprises in I–XII 2020

In the publication there are presented statistical data on revenues, costs and financial results as well as current assets, total equity and liabilities and investment outlays of non-financial enterprises with 10 and more persons employed that keep books of accounts. Furthermore it presents basic economic indicators of these entities, such as, net and gross turnover profitability indicators and financial liquidity indicators.

Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January-March 2021

Foreign trade turnover in January – March 2021 in exports at current prices amounted to PLN 298.8 bn, while in imports - PLN 287.9 bn. The positive balance reached the level of PLN 10.9 bn, while in the same period of 2020 year amounted to PLN 4.3 bn. In comparison to the corresponding period of 2020 exports increased by 14.6%, while imports by 12.3%.

Professor Malay Ghosh, a world-renowned authority on the theory of statisticshas received an honorary doctorate (honoris causa) from the University of Economics in Katowice

We are pleased and honoured to announce that Professor Malay Ghosh has received an honorary doctorate (honoris causa) from the University of Economics in Katowice in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the field of statistics and its applications, as well as popularising statistical sciences and promoting international and interdisciplinary scientific cooperation.

Communique/Announcements Communication on price index of consumer goods and services in April 2021

Price index of consumer goods and services in April 2021 as related to March 2021 amounted to 100.8 (price increase of 0.8%).

Statistics in focus Consumer price indices in April 2021

Consumer prices in April 2021, compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, increased by 4,3% (with an increase of prices of services by 6,8% and goods by 3,6%).

Statistics in focus Flash estimate of Gross Domestic Product in the first quarter of 2021

According to the flash estimate, gross domestic product (GDP) in volume terms seasonally unadjusted was lower by 1.2% in the 1st quarter of 2021 year-to-year against 2.0% increase in the corresponding period of 2020.
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