Statistics in focus Index numbers of sold production of industry in February 2022

In February 2022, sold production of industry was by 17.6% higher than in February 2021, when an increase was recorded by 2.5% as compared to the previous year, whereas in comparison with January 2022, it increased by 3.6%. In the period January-February of 2022, sold production of industry was by 17.4% higher than in the corresponding period of 2021, which saw an increase by 1.9%.

Communique/Announcements Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in February 2022

Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in February 2022 was PLN 6220.02

Communique/Announcements Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in February 2022

Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in February 2022 was PLN 6220.04

Statistics in focus Price indices of sold production of industry in February 2022

According to preliminary data, the prices of sold production of industry in February 2022 increased compared to January 2022 by 0.9% and compared to that recorded in the corresponding month of the previous year - by 15.9%.

Statistics in focus Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in February 2022

In February 2022, average paid employment in the enterprise sector compared to February 2021 was higher by 2.2% y/y and amounted to 6474.9 thousand full-time equivalents. In comparison to the previous month average paid employment minimally increased (by 0,2%). Average gross wages and salaries in the enterprise sector in February 2022 compared to February 2021 were higher by 11.7% y/y and amounted to 6220.04 PLN. In regard to January 2022 average gross wages and salaries increased by 2.6%.

Publication Statistics in Transition new series nr 1/2022

We are pleased to announce that on 15th March 2022 issue 1/2022 of "Statistics in Transition new series" was published. Click here for the details:

Publication Structural changes of groups of the national economy entities in the REGON register, 2021

The publication “Structural changes of groups of the national economy entities in the REGON register, 2021” presents data on number and structure of the national economy entities entered in the National Official Business Register (REGON) at the end of 2021 against the respective data as at the end of 2020.

Statistics in focus Consumer price indices in February 2022

Consumer prices in February 2022, compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, increased by 8,5% (with an increase of prices of services by 9,1% and goods by 8,3%). As related to the previous month consumer prices decreased by 0,3% (of which goods by 0,9%, with an increase of prices of services by 1,5%).

Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January 2022

Foreign trade turnover in January 2022 in exports at current prices amounted to PLN 108.0 bn, while in imports - PLN 112,1 bn.

Statistics in focus Polish athletes at the XXIV Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022

In the medal classification of the Beijing 2022 Win-ter Olympic Games, Poland was ranked 27th. Polish competitors ended with one medal – a bronze won by Dawid Kubacki in ski jumping.
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