Involvement of social economy entities in providing support due to hostilities in the territory of Ukraine (February 24th-March 31st, 2022)
In the period between February 24th and March 31st, 2022, 28.8 thousand (29.6%) entities of the social economy provided support due to hostilities conducted in the territory of Ukraine. They provided those in need material support with an estimated value of PLN 511 million and financial support in the amount of PLN 140 million.
Tourist accommodation establishments and its occupancy in the 1st half of 2022
In the 1st half of 2022, 14.7 million tourists were accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments and 37.5 million overnight stays were provided for them.
Revised estimate of gross domestic product for the year 2021
According to the revised estimate, gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021 increased by 6.8% in comparison to 2020. The result has changed compared to previously published on 22nd April 2022 by 0.9 percentage points.
Social assistance, child and family services in 2021
The elaboration includes an analysis of the forms and territorial distribution of institutional and family foster care in Poland. It covers the issue of adoptions, the role of day-support centres and other forms of family support, forms of childcare for children up to the age of 3, also assistance provided in stationary social welfare facilities. It also contains information on the size of financial support for families with children in the form of family benefits, benefits under the government "Family 500 plus" programme , information on benefits provided under the social assistance system as well as expenditures of the state budget, local government entieties on social assistance, family, other tasks in sphere of social policy.
Culture and national heritage in 2021
Publication “Culture and National Heritage in 2021” appearing for the first time in Statistical Analyses series is a continuation of annual publication “Culture in …”. It presents selected information about activity of entities operating in the field of culture and national heritage in Poland and indicators of participation in cultural projects.
Flash estimate of the consumer price index in September 2022
Consumer prices according to the flash estimate in September 2022, compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, increased by 17,2% (price index 117,2), and as related to the previous month increased by 1,6% (price index 101,6).
Telecommunications in 2021
Characteristics: telecommunications data for 2021, including data on telecommunications enterprises, fixed telephony, mobile telephony, access to the Internet and pay TV.
Registered unemployment 2 quarter 2022
The number and structure of the unemployed registered in labour offices broken down by demographic and socio-economic characteristics, duration of joblessness, and the last job.The data concerning unemployment fluctuation: inflow and outflow by various reasons. Unemployment rate for Poland, as well as for the European Union.