European Statistics Day - 20 October 2022
On 20 October 2022, we celebrate the seventh European Statistics Day. This year's celebration, which is important for all statisticians, is held under the slogan „Statistics to understand and connect to society, in the search for truth!”.
Statistics Poland participates in the Conference of European Statistical Stakeholders 2022
The Conference of European Statistical Stakeholders 2022 will be held in Rome on October 20-21, a space for dialogue between European statistical producers and users of European statistics.
Consumer tendency - October 2022
In October 2022, there was a deterioration in both current and future consumer sentiment moods compared to the previous month.
Higher education – Students and graduates
Student - a person attending first-cycle, second-cycle or long-cycle programmes at a higher school/higher education institution.
A graduate of a higher education institution obtains a tertiary education diploma in a given field and profile of study, confirming the award of: Bachelor's degree or equivalent certifying tertiary education on completion of the first-cycle programme;
Master's degree or equivalent certifying tertiary education on completion of the second-cycle and long-cycle programmes.
Communication on price increase index of consumer goods and services in September 2022 as related to September 2016
Price index of consumer goods and services in September 2022 as related to September 2016 amounted to 136.7 (price increase of 36.7%).
Communication on price index of consumer goods and services for the first three quarters of 2022
Price index of consumer goods and services for the first three quarters of 2022 as related to the first three quarters of 2021 amounted to 113.3 (price increase of 13.3%).
Communication on prices of durable non-foodstuff goods in the 3rd quarter of 2022
Statistics Poland informs that the price index of durable non-foodstuff goods in the 3rd quarter of 2022 as related to the 2nd quarter of 2022 amounted to 102.0 (price increase of 2.0%).