Yearbook of Labour Statistics, 2012

Date of publication: | 12.02.2014 |
Units performing economic activity, progress of privatisation process of industrial enterprises, sold production, price indices, gross output, intermediate consumption, gross value added, production of major products, finances of enterprises, employment and labour productivity, working time, working conditions, wages and salaries, investment outlays and fixed assets, foreign trade in industrial products, materials balance, use of materials in industry, environment danger and protection, technology level. |
By: | voivodship (selected data), ownership sector, NACE section and division, the main data on the industry by NACE group and some class; output in physical units by PKWiU (based on CPA classification and PRODCOM list) product nomenclature; value of sold production of the divisions and groups by PKWiU product nomenclature, export and import of industrial products by subsection of PKWiU product nomenclature. |