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Accidents at work in 2023
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
29.11.2024 - Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of the national defence and public safety, where the data refer only to civilian employees. One-off compensations in respect of accidents at work of self-employed...
Accidents at work in 2022
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
30.11.2023 - Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of national defence and public safety for which the data concern only civilian employees. One-off compensations in respect of accidents at work of persons conducting...
Accidents at work in 2021
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
30.11.2022 - Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of national defence and public safety for which the data concern only civilian employees. One-off compensations in respect of accidents at work of persons conducting...
Accidents at work in 2020
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
30.11.2021 - Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of national defence and public safety for which the data concern only civilian employees. One-off compensations in respect of accidents at work of persons conducting...
Accidents at work in 2019
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
30.11.2020 - Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of the national defence and public safety for which the data concern only civilian employees. One-off compensations for accidents at work of persons conducting economic...
Accidents at work in 2018
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
29.11.2019 - Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of the national defence and public safety for which the data concern only civilian employees. One-time compensations for accidents at work of persons conducting economic...
Infographic - Barbórka (4 December)
Infographics and widgets / Infographics
04.12.2018 - ...
Accidents at work in 2017
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
31.10.2018 - Accidents at work involving persons working in the national economy. Information concerning victims of accidents at work registered with employers. Data on accidents at work on private farms in agriculture from KRUS reports concerning accidents resulting in lump-sum compensation in the previous...
Yearbook of Labour Statistics, 2017
Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
20.02.2018 - Changes occurring in the labour market. Economic activity of the population, working persons, labour turnover and vacancies, unemployed persons, working conditions (the working time structure, strikes, working conditions in work posts, accidents at work), labour costs, wages and salaries (the...
Accidents at work in 2016
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
27.10.2017 - It describes accidents at work of persons working in the national economy. Information is recorded by employers, concerning per- sons injured in accidents at work. It contains data on accidents at work in private farms, concerning only the accidents as a result of which the injured received a...
Accidents at work in 2015
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
27.10.2016 - It describes accidents at work of persons working in the national economy. Information is recorded by employers, concerning per- sons injured in accidents at work. It contains data on accidents at work in private farms, concerning only the accidents as a result of which the injured received a...
Yearbook of Labour Statistics, 2015
Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
24.03.2016 - Units performing economic activity, progress of privatisation process of industrial enterprises, sold production, price indices, gross output, intermediate consumption, gross value added, production of major products, finances of enterprises, employment and labour productivity, working time,...
Accidents at work in 2014
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
27.10.2015 - It describes accidents at work of persons working in the national economy. Information is recorded by employers, concerning per- sons injured in accidents at work. It contains data on accidents at work in private farms, concerning only the accidents as a result of which the injured received a...
Accidents at work in 2013
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
28.10.2014 - It describes accidents at work of persons working in the national economy. Information is recorded by employers, concerning per- sons injured in accidents at work. It contains data on accidents at work in private farms, concerning only the accidents as a result of which the injured received a...
Accidents at work and work-related health problems
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
21.03.2014 - It describes the scale of accidents at work, the kind of injuries and the duration of absence from work caused by an accident at work, the scale of work-related health problems, the types of diseases and their impact on everyday professional and non-professional activity in the period of the last...
Yearbook of Labour Statistics, 2012
Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
12.02.2014 - Units performing economic activity, progress of privatisation process of industrial enterprises, sold production, price indices, gross output, intermediate consumption, gross value added, production of major products, finances of enterprises, employment and labour productivity, working time,...
Accidents at work in 2012
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
10.01.2013 - Accidents at work in 2012...
Accidents at work in 2011
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
10.01.2012 - Accidents at work in 2011...
Accidents at work in 2010
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
10.01.2011 - Accidents at work in 2010...
Accidents at work in 2009
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
10.01.2010 - Accidents at work in 2009...
Accidents at work in 2008
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
10.01.2009 - Accidents at work in 2008...
Accidents at work and work-related health problems
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
03.03.2008 - Recognition of the scale of accidents at work, type of injuries and length of break in employment caused by accident at work and the scale of health problems connected with work, types of illnesses and their infl uence on everyday job-related or/and non-job-related activity in the last 12 months...
Accidents at work in 2007
Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
10.01.2008 - Accidents at work in 2007...
