Research and experimental development in Poland in 2022

In 2022, gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD) amounted to 44.7 billion PLN and increased by 18.6% in comaparison to the previous year. R&D intensity indicator, which constitutes a share of intramural R&D expenditure in GDP, amounted to 1.46% (in 2021 – 1.43%). Gross domestic expenditure on R&D per capita amounted to 1 182 PLN and was higher by 19.2% than in the previous year. The number of R&D entities increased by 0.8% in comaparison to the previous year.
In the year 2022, like in the previous years, current expenditure prevailed in the structure of intramural expenditure on R&D by type of costs. Their share in all incurred expenditure on scientific research and experimental development amounted to 85.1%.