Biotechnology and nanotechnology in Poland in 2021

In 2021, 173 firms conducted biotechnology activities, which constitutes a decrease by 2.3% in comparison to the previous year. Biotechnology intramural expenditures incurred by firms amounted to PLN 1380.9 million and increased by 13.2% on an annual basis. In 2021, 3953 persons were employed in biotechnology in firms. Biotechnology research and experimental development was conducted by 217 entities, that is, by 4.4% less in comparison with the previous year. Biotechnology R&D intramural expenditures amounted to PLN 1184.7 million and increased by 8.7% annually. 8202 persons were involved in biotechnology research and experimental development.
Nanotechnology activities were conducted by 74 enterprises, i.e. by 4.2% more than in the previous year. Intramural expenditures on nanotechnology incurred by firms amounted to PLN 427.5 million and were higher by 54.9% in comparison with the previous year. 3487 persons were employed in the field of nanotechnology, of which 1248 persons were employed in firms. Research and experiemntal development in the field of nanotechnology just like last year were carried out by 130 entities. Nanotechnology R&D intramural expenditures amounted to PLN 373.4 million and were by 25.9% higher than in the previous year. 2626 persons were involved in nanotechnology research and experimental development.
January 30, 2023
Data correction
February 15, 2023
Data correction