Business services in 2017

The value of turnover of enterprises conducting activities related to business services amounted to PLN 338.7 billion. In comparison to the previous year, the increase in turnover with the simultaneous growth in the number of enterprises and persons employed were observed.
In the analyzed year on the domestic market, there were around 470 thousand enterprises which provided business services as their basic business activity. These entities constituted 27.0% (a growth of 0.8 pp in comparison to the previous year) of over 1.7 million enterprises conducting business activity[1]. As compared to the previous year, the number of enterprises providing business services increased by 5.8%, while total number of non-financial enterprises conducting business activity grew by 2.9%.
[1] Applies to entities conducting activities classified according to PKD 2007 to Sections from B “Mining and quarrying” to N “Administrative and support service activities” and Division 95 “Repair of computers and personal and household goods” from Section S “Other service activities”, excluding Section K “Financial and insurance activities” (regardless of the number of persons employed).