Eurostat database on migration statistics and asylum

Eurostat database on migration statistics and asylum
Database contains the full range of public data available at Eurostat. They are presented in multi-dimensional tables with multiple selection features and export formats.
Legislation on Migration statistics, legislation on Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows and legislation on temporary protection and third country nationals, i.a.:
Migration and citizenship, including information on population stocks by citizenship and country of birth, on migration flows by citizenship, country of birth and country of previous/next residence, and on acquisition of citizenship
Residence permits granted to non-EU citizens, disaggregated by citizenship, length of validity and reasons for the permit being issued
Asylum statistics, including data on asylum applicants, first instance and final decisions on applications, taking back or taking charge of asylum seekers (Dublin statistics)
Statistics on the enforcement of immigration legislation, providing data on non-EU citizens refused entry at the EU external borders or found to be illegally present, and on removals of non-EU citizens whose presence was unauthorised.
Metadata: explanatory texts documenting statistical data and providing summary information useful for assessing data quality and the statistical production process in general.