Statistical atlas of lubelskie voivodship

Date of publication: | 02.07.2018 |
13 July 2018, 100 years passes, since Central Statistical Office was established. On this occasion, Statistical Office in Lublin compiled publication “Statistical Atlas of lubelskie voivodship”, in which the most relevant information on region was presented in the form of cartograms, cartodiagrams and charts. Social, economic and environmental issues constitute the main factor of cohesion policy, and presenting them in graphic form allows to monitor the most important processes and changes taking place in lubelskie vovivodship. Publication contains statistical maps and charts presenting status and changes in time incuding human capital, quality of life, economy, environment divided into gminas, powiats, voivodships as well as selected data by NUTS 2 regions. Basic information was presented on maps concerning 2016 or other available year, partly in relation to 2000 or 2010. To illustrate changes and widen thematic scope of publication, selected data were presented in charts for lubelskie vovivodship, mostly in retrospection since 2000. The structure of publication is constant and includes providing data by gmina or powiat on cartogram or cartodiagram as well as cartogram by voivodship allowing presentation of regional differentiation. The information was enriched by charts illustrating the most important processes on regional level.