The situation of households in 2021 on the basis of results of the Household Budget Survey

In 2020, the financial situation of households slightly improved despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic , which had a significant impact on the level and structure of expenditure in particular. Households achieved both higher income and expenditure. The level of average monthly available income per capita in 2021 rounded to 1 PLN, amounted to PLN 2062 and in real terms it was higher by 2.2% (by 7.4% in nominal terms) than the income in 2020. Thereby the upward trend in available income was maintained and its dynamics remained at the level similar to the previous year. The average monthly expenditure per capita in households in 2021 amounted to PLN 1316 and in real terms it was higher by 3.5% (by 8.8% in nominal terms) than expenditure in 2020. Expenditure on consumer goods and services amounted to PLN 1269 and in real terms it was higher by 3.6% (by 8.9% in nominal terms) in comparison with 2020. The largest increase was in expenditure on education, restaurants and hotels, transport, clothing and footwear, and health. These changes were conditioned by the changing pandemic situation and the loosening of restrictions and a gradual return to pre-pandemic expenditure, which was significantly reduced in 2020.