Basic data from Labour Force Survey (LFS) seasonally adjusted in years 2010-2020

Frequency of data release: quarterly
Statistical concepts and definitions:
Employed persons
Persons aged 15 and more, who during the reference week:
- performed for at least one hour any work generating pay or income, i.e. were employed as employees, worked on their own (or leased) agricultural farm, or conducted their own economic activity outside agriculture, assisted (without pay) in work on family agricultural farm or in con-ducting family economic activity outside agriculture,
- had work but did not perform it:
- due to sickness, maternity leave, parental leave or vacation,
- due to other reasons, but the break in employment:
- did not exceed 3 months,
- exceeded 3 months, but these persons worked as employees and during that period received at least 50% of the hitherto remuneration (since the first quarter of 2006).
In accordance with the international standards, among the employed are also included apprentices who entered into occupational training or occupational preparation contract with a private or public employer, if they received remuneration.
Employee – Persons employed by a public or private employer.
Self-employed person – a person who conducts his/her own economic activity
in which
- employer – a person who conducts his/her own economic activity and employs at least one paid worker,
- self-employed person without employees – a person who conducts his/her own economic activity and does not hire any employees.
Since 2004, among self-employed persons have been included agents in all system of agencies.
Contributing family workers - Persons who help without agreed upon remuneration in conducting family economic activity.
Unemployed persons
Persons aged 15-74 who simultaneously fulfill three conditions:
- in the reference week were not employed,
- were actively looking for work, i.e. for over 4 weeks (the reference week being the fourth one) had been involved in concrete actions aimed at finding a job,
- were available to take up work within two weeks after the reference week.
Persons who were not seeking work because they had already found a job and were only waiting to start work within the period no longer that 3 months and they were available for this job.
Economically inactive population according
Persons aged 15 and more who were not classified as employed or unemployed, i.e. persons who during reference week:
- did not work and were not job-seekers,
- did not work and were job-seekers, but were not available to start work within two weeks after the reference week,
- did not work and were not job-seekers because they had found a job and were waiting to start in the period:
- longer than 3 months,
- no longer than 3 months, but they were not available for work (since 2004).
A group of discouraged persons is specified among the economically inactive, i.e. persons not seeking work because they are convinced that they will not find it.
Activity rate
Is the percentage of the economically active population of a given category in the total population of a given category.
Employment rate
Is the percentage of the employed of a given category in the total population of a given category.
Unemployment rate
Is the percentage of the unemployed of a given category in the economically active population of a given category.
Available time series: quarterly data
Available time series: 1.Quarter 2010 – 1. Quarter 2020
Disaggregation: Poland
Additional methodological notes
Seasonal adjustment by direct method, i.e. separately for individual variables, using the TRAMO/SEATS procedure as part of the JDEMETRA+ package.
Seasonal adjustment consists in elimination of the seasonal effect (annual, regular deviations trend, observed in annual cycle), and in case of series which may be influenced by calendar and working days effect (effects resulting from calendar layout and variability of the number of working days not having a seasonal effect) - elimination also those effects.
Data source, datadisposer: Labour Force Survey, Statistics Poland, Labour Market Department in cooperation with Statistical Office in Łódź
Available data formats: xlsx, csv