Production of industrial products in 2023

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The value of sold production of own products by producers in 2023 decreased in relation to 2022 by 5,6% and amounted to 1 775.5 billion PLN.

In 2023, compared to the previous year, the value of sold production of products in the section Industrial processing products increased in 11 divisions, the most in the Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (by 16.9%) and Other transport equipment (by 13.8%) divisions, and decreased in 12 divisions, with the largest decrease in the Chemicals and chemical products (by 24.6%). In the section Mining and quarrying products, growth occurred in two out of four sections, including the Hard coal and lignite section (by 29.1%).

Compared to the previous year, in 2023, the largest increase in the share of sold production of products was recorded in the divisions Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (by 2.2 percentage points) and Food products (by 1.5 percentage points). The largest decrease in share was recorded for the following divisions: Coke, briquettes and similar solid fuels from coal and peat and refined petroleum products, Chemicals and chemical products (by 1.3 percentage points), Electrical equipment (by 0.9 percentage points).

