Incidences of tuberculosis, syphilis and measles

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Frequency of data release: annualy

Type of observation period: yearly data

Available time series: 2009-2023

Disaggregation: Poland; sex; age groups

Statistical concepts and definitions: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacteria belonging to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. The most common form of tuberculosis is pulmonary tuberculosis, but tuberculous lesions can occur in any organ of the body (extrapulmonary tuberculosis).

Additional methodological notes: Data refer to newly registered cases during a year (new cases and relapses).

Additional methodological notes:  Index per 100 thous. population refers to the given age group.

Data source, datadisposer:  Data sets from information systems of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Institute – National Tuberculosis Register.

Available data formats:  xlsx, csv

Morbidity of syphilis cases

Frequency of data release: Annualy

Type of observation period: Yearly data

Available time series: 2009-2023

Disaggregation: Poland;

Statistical concepts and definitions: Syphilis is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum (pale spirochaette). Syphilis has several stages - primary syphilis (first stage), secondary syphilis and latent syphilis. There is also congenital syphilis, when an infected mother transmits syphilis to her baby in utero or during childbirth.

Additional methodological notes: The data refer to newly registered patients in skin and venereology clinics and receiving care in the reporting year.

Additional methodological notes: Index per 100 thousand population refers to the given age group.

Data source, datadisposer: Data of the Ministry of Health e-Health Center based on the annual report on patients treated at the skin and venereology clinic (MZ-14), results of surveys - Statistics Poland. 

Available data formats:  xlsx, csv


Frequency of data release: annualy

Type of observation period:  yearly data

Available time series:  2010-2021

Disaggregation: Poland; city/village

Statistical concepts and definitions:  Morbidity is the frequency of occurrence of new cases of disease in the given population.

Statistical concepts and definitions:  Measles is an acute viral infectious disease.

The only source of infection is a sick person. The infection is spread mainly by droplets and by direct contact with the secretion of the nasopharyngeal cavity. Very rarely, the infection occurs indirectly through objects freshly contaminated by nasopharyngeal secretions.

Oder viruses enter the body through the mouth or nose and through the conjunctiva. After multiplication in mucous membranes, they reach various organs, i.e: skin, kidneys, stomach, intestines and liver.

The incubation period is usually from 10 to 12 days.

Additional methodological notes: Data cover cases obligatory reported by doctors to the sanitary inspection.

Additional methodological notes:  Index per 100 thous. population refers to the given age group.

Data source, datadisposer: National Institute of Public Health NIH - National Research Institute Department of Epidemiology; results of surveys – Statistics Poland

Available data formats:  xlsx, csv

