Number of persons who took or passed a matriculation exam

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Frequency of data release:  annualy

Type of observation period:  yearly data

Available time series:  2010-2024

Disaggregation: Poland; voivodships; took/passed; sex

Statistical concepts and definitions:

  • The matriculation examination (upper secondary school leaving examination) is conducted at the end of secondary school, and its results determine further education. It is taken by graduates of general secondary schools, technical secondary school and other post-primary schools.
  • Since 2015, the matriculation examination has been carried out in a new format. To pass the exam and obtain a certificate, students must score at least 30% of the points available in each mandatory subject, both in the oral and written parts, and proceed to the written exam in an additional subject of their choice (no credit threshold).
  • An examinee must take two oral exams: Polish language and a modern foreign language, as well as four written exams at the basic level: Polish language, a modern foreign language and mathematics, plus an additional subject at the extended level. Apart from one extended-level mandatory exam in an additional subject, examinees may choose to take up to five additional subjects for examination. Graduates of schools or sections with a national minority language as the medium of instruction are also required to take the minority language exam.
  • Data refer to the matriculation examination conducted in May.
  • In 2015, the total number of people taking the matriculation examination under both the new and old format was reported.

Data source, datadisposer: Data sets from information system of the Central Examination Board; results of surveys elaboration - Statistics Poland; Statistical Office in Gdańsk

Available data formats:  xlsx; csv

