Graduation rate

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Frequency of data release: annualy

Type of observation period: yearly data

Available time series: 2009-2023

Disaggregation: Poland; voivodships; type of school; sex of graduates; rate type

Statistical concepts and definitions:

  • The graduation rate refers to the number of graduates at a specified level of education (graduates of any age for the gross rate, or at the typical graduation age for the net rate) divided by the population at the typical graduation age for a specified level of education.
  • Gross graduation rate - the total number of graduates (of any age) at a specified level of education divided by the population at the typical graduation age for a specified level of education.
  • Net graduation rate - the total number of graduates at the typical graduation age for a specified level of education divided by the population at the typical graduation age for a specified level of education.

Additional methodological notes:

  • The observation period pertains to the school year.
  • Due to the recent reform of the education system, data are missing for certain types of schools (no graduates for those cohorts).
  • Data concern graduates of schools for children and youth (excluding special schools).

Data source, datadisposer:  Data from information sets of the Ministry of Education and Science; analysis of survey results - Statistics Poland; Statistical Office in Gdańsk

Available data formats:  xlsx, csv

