Average results of the students eighth-grader exam
Frequency of data release: annualy
Type of observation period: yearly data
Available time series: 2019-2023
Disaggregation: Poland; voivodships; subject; sex
Statistical concepts and definitions:
- The eighth-grader exam covers the knowledge and skills specified in the core curriculum for selected subjects taught in grades 1 through 8. The examination was conducted for the first time in academic year 2018/2019.
- The eighth-grader exam is compulsory, which means that every student must take it in order to graduate from school. Since no minimum passing score is specified, the examination cannot be failed.
- The eighth-grader exam is conducted in writing.
- 8-grade-student takes the examination in three compulsory subjects: Polish; Mathematics and a selected modern foreign language (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Ukrainian or Italian).
- The exam takes is conducted in April.
Data source, datadisposer: Data sets from information system of the Regional Examination Boards; results of surveys elaboration - Statistics Poland; Statistical Office in Gdańsk
Available data formats: xlsx; csv