Characteristics of border areas in Poland. Entities of the national economy in 2023

As of the end of December 2023, 845.2 thousand entities of the national economy located in the border areas in Poland were entered in the REGON register. It constituted 16.4% of the total number of entities in Poland. In comparison with 2022, in the analysed zone the number of entities increased by 18.2 thousand, i.e. by 2.2% (in Poland by 3.1%).
At the end of 2023, the vast majority of entities in the border area belonged to the private sector (95.6% compared to 95.4% in the country). In comparison with 2022, the number of entities of the national economy in this sector increased by 17.5 thousand to 808.3 thousand, i.e. by 2.2% (in the country it grew by 3.0%). On the other hand, the public sector included 26.3 thousand entities, i.e. 182 less than in the previous year (in the country 111.9 thousand –5 less than in 2022).