Financial results of banks in 2023

In 2023 the net financial result of the banking sector1 amounted to PLN 27.6 bn, compared to PLN 10.6 bn in 2022. The balance sheet total increased by 10.3% y/y and amounted to PLN 2 994.8 bn. The value of loans for the non-financial sector decreased by 1.9% y/y to PLN 1 147.2 bn, while the value of deposits of this sector increased by 10.2% y/y to PLN 1 803.4 bn.
In 2023 in the Polish banking sector, 541 banks (50 commercial and 491 co-operative banks) generated net profits of PLN 38.4 bn, while net losses worth PLN 10.7 bn were incurred by 14 banks (13 commercial banks, of which 8 branches of credit institutions, and 1 co-operative bank).
1 Prepared on the basis of preliminary data from the National Bank of Poland (NBP) for 2023 as at 20 February, 2024. Comparative data for 2022 are provided on the basis of data availa-ble on the NBP website (as at 11.03.2024). The number of banks has been provided according to PFSA data. Presented statistics exclude data for banks in the organization phase, in bank-ruptcy, in liquidation or within resolution.