Activity of debt collecting companies in 2022

In 2022, 92 debt collection entities were included in the study. The nominal total value of all debts serviced by these entities, as at the end of 2021, amounted to PLN 147,1 billion.
In the group of 92 examined debt collection companies there were 23 joint-stock compa-nies, 49 limited liability companies and 20 entities with other legal forms. Domestic capital dominated in 79 enterprises, and foreign capital in 13 enterprises.
Among the examined entities, 58 entities indicated debt collection as the only scope of their activity, for 27 entities it was the dominant scope and for 7 companies - a secondary scope. The capital groups included 23 enterprises, including 7 parent entities, 11 subsidi-aries and 5 simultaneously subsidiaries and parent entities.
As at the end of 2022, 6,536 people were involved in debt collection activities in the sur-veyed entities. Debt collection companies had a total of 93 branches and authorized rep-resentative offices. Increase in the value of assets of debt collection entities was 21,5%.