Economic activity of enterprises with foreign capital in 2022

In 2022, 22.2 thousand enterprises with foreign capital conducted economic activity in Poland and the value of their foreign capital amounted to 233.7 billion PLN. Over half of the foreign capital (53.1%) was located in entities with 250 and more persons employed. The largest number of entities operated in trade; repair of motor vehicles (24.4%) and the largest amount of foreign capital (39.0%) was involved in manufacturing.
The population of entities with foreign capital was dominated by micro and small units with the number of persons employed up to 49. They accounted for 78.3% of the total number of surveyed enterprises. Medium-sized entities (50-249 persons employed) accounted for 14.1% of the total population of entities with foreign capital and large entities (250 and more persons employed) for 7.6%. The largest number of entities were engaged in activities related to trade; repair of motor vehicles (24.4%), manufacturing (19.8%), professional, scientific and technical activities (9.9%) and construction (8.7%).