Public libraries in 2021

As of the end of 2021 there were 7,693 public libraries, which conducted 873 branches for children and youth and 842 library service points. 4.8 million library users1 borrowed 89.1 million volumes of collection during the year.
In 2021, due to the ongoing state of epidemic in Poland, cultural entities continued to operate under the conditions of temporary constraints. The restrictions on the activity of cultural entities had different scope and forms, but were less restrictive compared to the previous year.
The largest number of public libraries (including branches) were operating in Mazowieckie voivodship (941), and the least in Podlaskie voivodship (226). Public libraries and their branches conducted 842 library service points, most of which were located in Lubelskie voivoship (135). Most library units (65.0%) conducted their activities in the countryside.