Foster care in 2023

At the end of 2023, in foster care there were 75.3 thousand children, including 58.2 thousand in family foster care and 17.1 thousand in institutional foster care. In comparison to 2022, the number of children in foster care increased by 3.5%.
At the end of 2023 family foster care functioned in the form of related, not professional and professional families which amounted to 35 978 and in the form of foster homes – 834 units. Among foster families, related families accounted for 63.8%, not professional families –30.4%, and professional families – 5.8%.
The function of foster family was fulfilled by 18 675 married couples and by 17 303 lone persons. The families which admitted one child accounted for 72.3%, two children – 18.1%, three children – 5.4%, and four or more children 4.1% of all foster families. Over a half of persons performing the role of foster family were persons at age of 51–70. Foster homes were run by 707 married couples and by 127 lone persons. Most persons (77.5%) performing the function of a family foster home were in the 41–60 age group.