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Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-September of 2024
26.11.2024 -
In January-September of 2024 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were significantly lower comparing to those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators deteriorated. Investment outlays were lower by 7.5% than those recorded in January-September of 2023... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the 1st half of 2024
26.08.2024 -
In the 1st half of 2024 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were significantly lower comparing to those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators deteriorated. Investment outlays were lower by 5.5% than those recorded in the 1st half of 2023 (when there... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the first quarter of 2024
27.05.2024 -
In the 1st quarter of 2024 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were lower comparing to those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators deteriorated. Investment outlays were lower by 2.2% than those recorded in the 1st quarter of 2023 (when there was an... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 2023
25.03.2024 -
In 2023 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were lower comparing to those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators deteriorated. Investment outlays were higher by 10.2% than those recorded in 2022 (when there was an increase by 5.9%). Total revenues... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Non-financial enterprises established in 2018-2022
28.02.2024 -
Analysis of population of new entities in the first five years of their activity on the market. It presents, among others, information about a way of their creation, encountered difficulties, territorial range of activity and survival rates. Moreover, it includes data on the number of entities,... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-September 2023
23.11.2023 -
In January-September of 2023 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were deteriorated to those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators decreased. Investment outlays were higher by 11.5% than those recorded in January-September of 2022 (when there was an... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the 1st half of 2023
23.08.2023 -
In the 1st half of 2023 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were similar to those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators decreased. Investment outlays were higher by 10.4% than those recorded in the 1st half of 2022 (when there was an increase by... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Non-financial enterprises established in 2017-2021
27.04.2023 -
The publication characterises population of new entities in the first five years of their activity on the market. It presents, among others, the information about the way of establishment, encountered difficulties, territorial range of activity and survival rates. Moreover, it includes data on the... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 2022
23.03.2023 -
In 2022 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were higher than those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators decreased. Investment outlays were higher by 5.9% than those recorded in 2021 (when there was an increase by 7.3%). Total revenues were higher... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-September 2022
23.11.2022 -
In January-September of 2022 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were higher than those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators decreased. Investment outlays were higher by 5.0% than those recorded in January-September of 2021 (when there was an... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January–June 2022
23.08.2022 -
In the 1st half of 2022 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were higher than those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators have slightly decreased. Investment outlays were higher by 4.6% than those recorded in the 1st half of 2021 (when there was an... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the 1st quarter of 2023
24.05.2022 -
In the 1st quarter of 2023 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were similar to those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators decreased. Investment outlays were higher by 7.2% than those recorded in the 1st quarter of 2022 (when there was an increase... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 2021
23.03.2022 -
In 2021 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were higher than those obtained a year earlier. Also, the economic and financial indicators have significantly improved. Investment outlays were higher by 7.3% than those recorded in 2020 (when there was a decrease by 7.3%). Total... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Non-financial enterprises established in 2016-2020
30.12.2021 -
The publication characterises population of new entities in the first five years of their activity on the market. It presents, among others, the information about the way of establishment, encountered difficulties, territorial range of activity and survival rates. Moreover, it includes data on the... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-September of 2021
23.11.2021 -
In January-September of 2021 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were higher than those obtained a year earlier. Also, the economic and financial indicators have significantly improved. Investment outlays were higher by 8.5% than those recorded in January-September of 2020... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in I-VI of 2021
23.08.2021 -
In the 1st half of 2021 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were higher than those obtained a year earlier. Also, the economic and financial indicators have significantly improved. Investment outlays were higher by 7.9% than those recorded in the 1st half of 2020 (when... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in I-III of 2021
24.05.2021 -
In the 1st quarter of 2021 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were higher than those obtained a year earlier. Also, the economic and financial indicators have significantly improved. Investment outlays were higher by 4.6% than those recorded in the 1st quarter of 2020... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 2020
23.03.2021 -
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 2020.... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Non-financial enterprises established in 2015-2019
25.02.2021 -
An analysis of the population of newly established entities in the first five years of their activity on the market. It presents, among others, the information about the way of establishment, encountered difficulties, territorial range of activity and survival rates. Moreover, it includes data on... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in I-IX of 2020
23.11.2020 -
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in I-IX of 2020... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in I-VI of 2020
24.08.2020 -
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in I-VI of 2020... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the first quarter of 2020
25.05.2020 -
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the first quarter of 2020... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Non-financial enterprises established in 2014-2018
10.04.2020 -
An analysis of the population of newly established entities according to the status of their legal and economic activity, manner of establishment and difficulties faced by entrepreneurs. Number of entities, the structure and basic characteristics of the studied population. Also information on... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 2019
23.03.2020 -
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 2019.... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-September 2019
21.11.2019 -
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-September 2019... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-June 2019
22.08.2019 -
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-June 2019... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-March 2019
23.05.2019 -
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the first quarter of 2019... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-December 2018
21.03.2019 -
Data refer to enterprises in which the number of persons employed is 50 and more, which keep books of account. Data do not include agriculture, forestry, fishing, financial and insurance activities as well as higher education institutions.... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Non-financial enterprises established in 2013-2017
07.03.2019 -
An analysis of the population of newly established entities according to the status of their legal and economic activity, manner of establishment and difficulties faced by entrepreneurs. Number of entities, the structure and basic characteristics of the studied population. Also information on... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-September 2018
21.11.2018 -
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the third quarter of 2018 Data refer to enterprises in which the number of persons employed is 50 and more, which keep books of account. Data do not include agriculture, forestry, fishing, financial and insurance activities as well as higher... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies