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Economic activity of enterprises with foreign capital in 2023
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
13.01.2025 - Analysis of the situation enterprises with foreign capital concerning the value and structure of capital (including foreign capital), country of its origin as well as basic financial results and economic indicators characterising the activity conducted by these enterprises. Moreover, publication...
Financial results of non-financial enterprises (balance sheet) in 2023
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
13.01.2025 - Analysis of the situation non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed that prepare balance sheet. Data on non-financial enterprises keeping books of accounts (of which on enterprises with the majority of foreign capital) include detailed information on balance sheet items, i.e....
Statistical Bulletin No 11/2024
Topics / Other studies / Informations on socio-economic situation
23.12.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy...
Activity of non-financial enterprises in 2023
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
23.12.2024 - Analysis of the population of non-financial enterprises presenting their size and structure relating to data from the previous years. Moreover, it presents the basic information concerning revenues, costs and financial results achieved, gross value of fixed assets and investment outlays incurred...
Outlays and results in industry - the 1st quarter to the 3rd quarter 2024
Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
16.12.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual on industry, including data on production, turnover, new orders, employment, average monthly gross wages, worked time, investment outlays,...
Statistical Bulletin No 10/2024
Topics / Other studies / Informations on socio-economic situation
27.11.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy...
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in January-September of 2024
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
26.11.2024 - In January-September of 2024 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were significantly lower comparing to those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators deteriorated. Investment outlays were lower by 7.5% than those recorded in January-September of 2023...
Statistical Bulletin No 9/2024
Topics / Other studies / Informations on socio-economic situation
23.10.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy...
Statistical Bulletin No 8/2024
Topics / Other studies / Informations on socio-economic situation
24.09.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy...
Outlays and results in industry - the 1st quarter to the 2nd quarter 2024
Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
16.09.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual on industry, including data on production, turnover, new orders, employment, average monthly gross wages, worked time, investment outlays,...
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the 1st half of 2024
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
26.08.2024 - In the 1st half of 2024 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were significantly lower comparing to those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators deteriorated. Investment outlays were lower by 5.5% than those recorded in the 1st half of 2023 (when there...
Statistical Bulletin No 7/2024
Topics / Other studies / Informations on socio-economic situation
26.08.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy...
Statistical Bulletin No 6/2024
Topics / Other studies / Informations on socio-economic situation
23.07.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy...
Selected entrepreneurship indicators in 2018–2022
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
27.06.2024 - Long-term analysis of the entities with different growth potential, such as high-growth, growth, stable, declining and rapidly declining, distinguished from the population of non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, that keep books of accounts. Basic data including revenues,...
Statistical Bulletin No 5/2024
Topics / Other studies / Informations on socio-economic situation
25.06.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy...
Outlays and results in industry - the 1st quarter 2024
Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
20.06.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual on industry, including data on production, turnover, new orders, employment, average monthly gross wages, worked time, investment outlays,...
Statistical Bulletin No 4/2024
Topics / Other studies / Informations on socio-economic situation
27.05.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy...
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the first quarter of 2024
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
27.05.2024 - In the 1st quarter of 2024 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were lower comparing to those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators deteriorated. Investment outlays were lower by 2.2% than those recorded in the 1st quarter of 2023 (when there was an...
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 01-12 2023
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
20.05.2024 - Basic information on revenues, costs and financial results as well as current assets, total equity and liabilities and investment outlays of non-financial enterprises with 10 and more persons employed that keep books of accounts. Furthermore it presents basic economic indicators of these entities,...
Activity of enterprises having foregin entities in 2022
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
30.04.2024 - Analysis of the situation of non-financial enterprises having foreign entities: number of enterprises, kind of activity, affiliation to enterprise groups, type of relationship with foreign entity. It also presents the information about foreign entities, including their number, number of persons...
Outlays and results in industry in 2023
Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
26.04.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual on industry, including data on production, turnover, new orders, employment, average monthly gross wages, worked time, investment outlays,...
Statistical Bulletin No 3/2024
Topics / Other studies / Informations on socio-economic situation
24.04.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy...
Activity of enterprises having foregin entities in 2022
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
28.03.2024 - At the end of 2022, 1 970 enterprises in Poland (an increase as compared to 2021 by 3.7%) declared involvement in 4 503 foreign entities (an increase by 6.1% comparing to 2021) in the form of shares, branches or in other forms. Majority of foreign entities were located in Germany, Czechia, Ukraine...
Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 2023
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
25.03.2024 - In 2023 financial results of the surveyed non-financial enterprises were lower comparing to those obtained a year earlier. The economic and financial indicators deteriorated. Investment outlays were higher by 10.2% than those recorded in 2022 (when there was an increase by 5.9%). Total revenues...
Statistical Bulletin No 2/2024
Topics / Other studies / Informations on socio-economic situation
25.03.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy...
Statistical Yearbook of Industry - Poland 2023
Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
29.02.2024 - Units conducting economic activity, sold production, price indices, output, intermediate consumption, gross value added, production of major goods, finances of enterprises, employment and productivity of labour, working time and working conditions, wages and salaries, investment outlays, fixed...
Non-financial enterprises established in 2018-2022
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
28.02.2024 - Analysis of population of new entities in the first five years of their activity on the market. It presents, among others, information about a way of their creation, encountered difficulties, territorial range of activity and survival rates. Moreover, it includes data on the number of entities,...
Statistical Bulletin No 1/2024
Topics / Other studies / Informations on socio-economic situation
23.02.2024 - Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy...
Registrations and bankruptcies of enterprises in the 4th quarter of 2023
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
12.02.2024 - In the fourth quarter of 2023, there were 88 505 registrations of enterprises recorded i.e. 2.6% more than in the corresponding period of previous year and 98 enterprises declared bankruptcy i.e. 12.5% less than in the fourth quarter of 2022. The number of registrations of enterprises in the...
Enterprise groups in Poland in 2022
Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies
31.01.2024 - Analysis of the phenomenon of enterprises’ organising into groups. The publication presents information on enterprise groups operating in Poland by type, size and country of location of the ultimate parent unit (global group head). The information concern, among others, the number of persons...
