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Content 30
Graduation rate
29.11.2024 -
Frequency of data release: annualy Type of observation period: yearly data Available time series: 2009-2023 Disaggregation: Poland; voivodships; type of school; sex of graduates; rate type Statistical concepts and definitions: The graduation rate refers to the number of graduates at a specified... Topics / Education / Education
Higher education in the 2023/2024 academic year - Students and graduates
31.10.2024 -
Students of higher education Frequency of data release: annualy Type of observation period: yearly data Available time series: 2023 Disaggregation: Poland; region; voivodship; town; higher education institution; broad field of education by ISCED-F 2013; narrow field of education by ISCED-F 2013;... Topics / Education / Education
Employment in national economy in 2023
28.10.2024 -
Basic information about employees in all entities of the national economy, including small entities, by gender and age, including the median age, and about the commune of residence of the employee.... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Science and technology in 2022
28.03.2024 -
Analysis of indicators related to statistics on science and technology: research and development activities (R&D), innovative activities of industrial companies and in the services sector, industrial property protection, biotechnology, nanotechnology, production, employment, and trade according to... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Higher education – Students and graduates
03.11.2023 -
Students of higher education Frequency of data release: annualy Type of observation period: yearly data Available time series: 2022 Disaggregation: Poland; region; voivodship; town; higher education institution; broad field of education by ISCED-F 2013; narrow field of education by ISCED-F 2013;... Topics / Education / Education
Employment in the national economy in 2022
26.10.2023 -
Basic information about employed persons in all entities of the national economy, including small entities, by sex and age, including the median age and the gmina of residence.... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Science and technology in 2021
30.03.2023 -
Data and indicators related to statistics on science and technology: research and development activities (R&D), innovative activities of industrial companies and in the services sector, industrial property, biotechnology, nanotechnology, production, paid employment, and trade according to... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Employment in the national economy in 2021
27.10.2022 -
The numer of employed persons in national economy, employment status, selected categories of the employed, foreigners, retirees, elements employment movement by sources of recruitment and resons for termination.... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Higher education – Students and graduates
17.10.2022 -
Students of higher education Frequency of data release: annualy Type of observation period: yearly data Available time series: 2021 Disaggregation: Poland; region; voivodship; town; higher education institution; broad field of education by ISCED-F 2013; narrow field of education by ISCED-F 2013;... Topics / Education / Education
Science and technology in 2020
30.03.2022 -
Data and indicators related to statistics on science and technology: research and development activities (R&D), innovative activities of industrial companies and in the services sector, industrial property, biotechnology, nanotechnology, production, paid employment, and trade according to... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Higher education in the 2020/21 academic year – Students and graduates (preliminary data)
10.12.2021 -
Students of higher education Frequency of data release: annualy Type of observation period: yearly data Available time series: 2020 Disaggregation: Poland; region; voivodship; town; higher education institution; broad field of education by ISCED-F 2013; narrow field of education by ISCED-F 2013;... Topics / Education / Education
Employment in the national economy in 2020
29.10.2021 -
The numer of employed persons in national economy, employment status, selected categories of the employed, foreigners, retirees, elements employment movement by sources of recruitment and resons for termination. 04.05.2022 Correction of a note under table 13 – instead of presenting the number in... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Science and technology in 2019
30.03.2021 -
Data and indicators related to statistics on science and technology: research and development activities (R&D), innovative activities of industrial companies and in the services sector, industrial property, biotechnology, nanotechnology, production, paid employment, and trade according to... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Employment in national economy in 2019
20.11.2020 -
The numer of employed persons in national economy, employment status, selected categories of the employed, foreigners, retirees, elements employment movement by sources of recruitment and resons for termination.... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Science and technology in 2018
30.03.2020 -
Data and indicators related to statistics on science and technology: research and development activities (R&D), innovative activities of industrial companies and in the services sector, industrial property, biotechnology, nanotechnology, production, paid employment, and trade according to... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Employment in national economy in 2018
13.11.2019 -
It provides the number of persons working in the national economy, employment status, selected categories of working persons, foreigners, disabled persons, retired persons, elements of employment changes by recruitment sources and reasons for dismissals.... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Science and technology in 2017
29.03.2019 -
Data and indicators in the field of statistics of science and technology concerning, among others research and development (B+R), innovative activities of industrial enterprises and in the services sector, protection of industrial property, biotechnology and nanotechnology as well as human... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Employment in national economy in 2017
09.11.2018 -
It provides the number of persons working in the national economy, employment status, selected categories of working persons, foreigners, disabled persons, retired persons, elements of employment changes by recruitment sources and reasons for dismissals.... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Science and technology in Poland in 2016
30.04.2018 -
Data and indices from the field of science and technology statistics: research and development (R&D) activities, pro-innovation activities of industrial enterprises and in the sector of services, industrial property protection and human resources for science and technology.... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Employment in national economy in 2016
20.11.2017 -
It provides the number of persons working in the national economy, employment status, selected categories of working persons, foreigners, disabled persons, retired persons, elements of employment changes by recruitment sources and reasons for dismissals.... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Employment in national economy in 2015
04.11.2016 -
It provides the number of persons working in the national economy, employment status, selected categories of working persons, foreigners, disabled persons, retired persons, elements of employment changes by recruitment sources and reasons for dismissals.... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Employment in national economy in 2014
05.11.2015 -
It provides the number of persons working in the national economy, employment status, selected categories of working persons, foreigners, disabled persons, retired persons, elements of employment changes by recruitment sources and reasons for dismissals.... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Employment in national economy in 2013
24.10.2014 -
It provides the number of persons working in the national economy, employment status, selected categories of working persons, foreigners, disabled persons, retired persons, elements of employment changes by recruitment sources and reasons for dismissals.... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Employment in national economy in 2012
19.11.2013 -
The number of persons employed in national economy, employment status, selected categories of employed persons, foreigners, disabled persons, retired persons, elements of employment movement by recruitment sources and reasons for dismissals.... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Employment in national economy in 2011
10.01.2012 -
Employment in national economy in 2011... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Employment in national economy in 2010
10.01.2011 -
Employment in national economy in 2010... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Employment in national economy in 2009
10.01.2010 -
Employment in national economy in 2009... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Employment in national economy in 2008
10.01.2009 -
Employment in national economy in 2008... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Employment in national economy in 2007
10.01.2008 -
Employment in national economy in 2007... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour
Employment in national economy in 2006
10.01.2007 -
Employment in national economy in 2006... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Employed. Wages and salaries. Cost of labour