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March 2010

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News from day: 17 March 2010
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Publications of the Statistics Poland

No publications.

Publications of statistical offices


Polish seaports and maritime shipping in Poland in the years 2005-2007

Statistical Office in Szczecin

Publikacja przedstawia zmiany w polskiej gospodarce morskiej oraz pozycji polskich portów morskich wśród portów europejskich. Publication presents changes in polish maritime economy in the years 2005-2007 and a position of polish sea ports among european ports. Publication contains statistical information presenting financial and productional results achieved by main entities localized in polish sea ports as well as transport activities of polish fleet remaining in exploatation of polish shipowners and operators. Data on human resources engaged in work of sea ports and maritime shipping are also included. Elaboration contains basic statistical information characterizing the EU sea ports and other ports outside the EU countries as well as maritime fleet and shipping in Europe Opracowanie zawiera podstawowe informacje statystyczne charakteryzujące działalność portów morskich Unii Europejskiej oraz innych europejskich portów zlokalizowanych w krajach nienależących do Unii Europejskiej jak również floty i przewozów morskich w Europie.
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Publications outside official statistics

No publications.

