New Polish Classification of Activities - PKD 2025

On 27 December 2024, the Regulation of the Council of Ministers on the Polish Classification of Business Activities has been published in the Journal of Laws. The document sets out the current rules for classifying business activity in Poland. The new regulation, which introduced changes to the classification, aims to adapt it to the current economic reality and compliance with international standards. The classification system will be more transparent and will enable effective monitoring of changes in the structure of the economy.
The full content of the regulation is available at -
The introduced changes adapt the PKD to the dynamically changing market, technological and social realities. The revised classification will cover new activities that have emerged in the economy in recent years and will ensure the harmonisation of economic statistics within the European Union in areas such as the digital economy, the circular economy and the bio-economy. There will also be greater precision in describing traditional industries, which will make it easier for companies to match their activities to the right codes.
The need to issue PKD 2025, replacing the existing PKD 2007, results from changes made to the European Union classification – Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community NACE. In 2018-2021, the preliminary draft structure of the new NACE Rev. 2.1 classification was the subject of extensive consultations with EU member states (including Polish) and, after taking into account the comments submitted by users, was adopted in May 2022 during the 49th Meetings of the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC).
The equivalent of the NACE classification, at the national level, is the Polish Classification of Activities PKD. In 2022, the Central Statistical Office conducted consultations on the national level of the new Polish Classification of Activities PKD 2025, based on the revised NACE Rev. 2.1. These consultations enabled the users of the PKD classification to propose changes at the national level - i.e. the fifth PKD mark (XX.XX.a).
The Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) is widely used in the economy, not only for statistical purposes, but also to classify business entities in official registers.
The collected information allows you to observe individual industries, the structure of the economy and the trends to which it is subject.
Due to the wide application of PKD, the changes in the classification will affect:
- the need to reclassify business entities for the purposes of the national official register of entities of the national economy REGON, the National Court Register and the Central Registration and Information on Business – according to the type of business conducted by them,
- the need to reclassify entities for the purposes of statistical registers (BJS) according to their activities,
- incorporating the new classification into the conducted statistical surveys and recalculating time series.
In addition, the changes introduced to the classification of activities will be reflected in product classifications, respectively the Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) at the EU level and the Polish Classification of Goods and Services (PKWiU) at the national level.