Publication Statistical atlas of kujawsko-pomorskie voivodship

The visualisations contained in the work present a various levels of aggregation the most important structures and processes shaping social and economic life of the voivodships and the country.

Publication Tourism in 2017

It describes national tourism - the distribution and use of accommodation facilities by Poles and foreign tourists, special diversity of tourism potential in Poland.

Publication Construction results in 2017

Material output of construction (residential buildings put into operation: number of flats, rooms, flat floor space, volume, building type, construction form, construction technology, average duration of construction; non-residential buildings put into operation – number, volume, floor space), flats in residential and non-residential buildings (number, floor space, number of rooms, construction form), number of civil and water engineering structures. Construction permits and licenses for new residential and non-residential buildings and civil and water engineering structures. Flats whose construction has started.

Publication Labour force survey in Poland I quarter 2018

Level of professional activity of the population, according to socio-demographic features. The employed according to professional features, paid employment status, work time. Unemployment characteristics (duration, methods of searching for work, professional past), and the situation of the disabled on the labour market. Reasons for professional inactivity.

Statistics in focus Flash estimate of the consumer price index in July 2018

Consumer prices according to the flash estimate in July 2018, compared with the previous month, decreased by 0,1% (price index 99,9), and compared with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 2,0% (price index 102,0).

Publication Production of industrial products in 2017

The production of selected industrial products, conducted by the so-called large and medium-sized units with 10 workers or more (finished goods and semi-finished products in total, intended for sales, as well as for further processing within the company, from own and entrusted raw material). Sold production of industrial products.

Publication Statistical atlas of opolskie voivodship

The study takes into account social, economic and environmental aspects related to the objectives of cohesion policy, oriented at reducing disparities in the regional context and equalizing development opportunities.

Publication Statistical atlas of śląskie voivodship

The study presents spatial differentiation of social, economic and environmental phenomena in the voivodship, which was highly influenced by complicated history of the area, as is belonged to different countries over the centuries.

Statistics in focus Real estate sales in 2017

488.1 thous. notarial deeds relating to real estate sales were concluded in 2017, by 1.2% more than in the previous year. Compared to 2016 the highest increase in the number of notarial deeds concerned sales of properties buit-up with residential buildings (by 7.5%), sales of premises (by 7.4%), sales of land properties (by 4.9%) and sales of cooperative ownerhip right to premises (by 4.3%). The largest decrease was recorded in the case of notarial deeds on the sales of agricultural land (by 17.6%) and the sales of other properties (by 16.8%).

Publication Statistical Bulletin No 6/2018

It contains basic indices of the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the monthly, quarterly and annual series, including, among others, the national accounts, information on demography, the labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, money supply, public finances and finances of non-financial enterprises, investment outlays, agriculture, industry, construction, transport, domestic and foreign trade, along with monthly or quarterly data characterising the socio-economic situation of voivodships and EU countries.
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