Residential construction in the period of January-February 2023
In the first two months of 2023, there were less dwellings completed than the year before. The number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project as well as dwellings in which construction has begun also decreased.
Price indices of construction and assembly production in Frebruary 2023
According to preliminary data, in February 2023 the prices of construction and assembly production in comparison with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 12.9%, and in comparison with January 2023 by 0.6%.
Index numbers of sold production of industry in February 2023
In February 2023, sold production of industry was by 1.2% lower than in February 2022, when an increase was recorded by 17.3% as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, whereas in comparison with January 2023, it increased by 0.4%. In the period January-February of 2023, sold production of industry was by 0.3% higher than in the corresponding period of 2022 which saw an increase by 17.3% as compared to the corresponding period of 2021.
Price indices of sold production of industry in February 2023
According to preliminary data, the prices of sold production of industry in February 2023 decreased compared to January 2023 by 0.4% and compared to that recorded in the cor-responding month of the previous year increased by 18.4%.
Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in February 2023
In February 2023, average paid employment in the enterprise sector compared to February 2022 was higher by 0.8% y/y and amounted to 6526.3 thousand full-time equivalents. In comparison to the previous month average paid employment decreased minimally (by 0.1%).
Methodological report Labour Force Survey
Within the scope of the publication there are presented methodological and organisational principles concerning the Badanie Aktywności Ekonomicznej Ludności and accompanying it thematic module surveys.
Structural changes of groups of the national economy entities in the REGON register, 2022
The publication “Structural changes of groups of the national economy entities in the REGON register, 2022” presents data on number and structure of the national economy entities entered in the National Official Business Register (REGON) at the end of 2022 against the respective data as at the end of 2021.
Przegląd Statystyczny. Statistical Review, nr 3/2022
The 3/2022 issue of Przegląd Statystyczny. Statistical Review was published on 28 February 2023. The issue is available at