Communique/Announcements Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in November 2022

Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in November 2022 was PLN 6857,96

Statistics in focus Price indices of sold production of industry in November 2022

According to preliminary data, the prices of sold production of industry in November 2022 decreased compared to October 2022 by 0.5% and compared to that recorded in the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 20.8%.

Statistics in focus Prices of agricultural products in November 2022

Procurement prices of basic agricultural products increased in November 2022 in comparison with the previous month (by 1.8%) as well as while compared to the corresponding month of the previous year (by 51.7%).

Statistics in focus Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in November 2022

In November 2022, average paid employment in the enterprise sector compared to November 2021 was higher by 2.3% y/y and amounted to 6507.5 thousand full-time equivalents. In comparison to the previous month average paid employment increased minimally (by 0.1%).

Publication Prices in the national economy in 2021

The dynamics and level of prices within basic areas of the national economy. Detailed data concerning price levels and indicators, including harmonised (according to the Eurostat methodology) indices of consumer prices (HICP), and economic relations regarding price surveys conducted by GUS, as well as information obtained in cooperation with banks and other institutions. In the descriptive part – general comments and methodological principles.

Publication Statistics in Transition new series nr 4/2022

The 4/2022 issue of Statistics in Transition new series was published on 15 December 2022.

Publication Economic aspects of environmental protection 2022

The publication includes information on the scope and functioning forms of economic tools and means in undertakings targeted at environmental protection and water management, as well as information on environmental economic accounts, which are a statistical system bringing together economic and environmental information.

Publication Information society in Poland in 2022

The publication presents the results of the "Information Society Indicators" survey, which includes: a report on the use of ICT in enterprises, a report on the use of ICT in financial sector enterprises, the use of ICT in public administration units, the use of ICT in households (including an individual questionnaire) and basic characteristics of the ICT sector.

Publication Religious denominations in Poland 2019-2021

The presented book "Religious denominations in Poland in 2019-2021" is the 10th edition of the cyclical publishing series of the Statistic Poland. At the beginning of the publication, selected aspects of the methodology of statistical surveys of religious denominations in Poland are discussed (Chapter 1). Then, there are considerations concerning the names of Polish churches and religious associations in the perspective of the sciences of culture and religion (Chapter 2), and the classification of Polish churches and religious associations by religious traditions is presented and commented on (Chapter 3).

Statistics in focus Consumer price indices in November 2022

Consumer prices in November 2022 compared with the corresponding month of the pre-vious year, increased by 17,5% (with an increase of prices of goods – by 18,8% and services – by 13,2%). As related to the previous month consumer prices increased by 0,7% (of which goods – by 0,7% and services – by 0,6%).
1    106  107  108  109  110  111  112  113  114    543
