Terms used in official statistics

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Disposable income


Disposable income is understood as available income reduced by remaining expenditures. It is allocated to expenditure on consumer goods and services and an increase in savings.

Household income comprises the individual income of household members and the income allocated to the household. Disposable income calculated on the basis of data from:

BBGD - monthly income includes all current income - cash and non-cash; cash and non-cash transfers;

EU-SILC - annual income includes only regular cash income (the exception is non-cash income from hired work - free use of a company car), cash transfers.

Income from self-employment (including private farms in agriculture) includes that part of the income obtained from business activity that was allocated to the acquisition of consumer goods and services and to housing investments (e.g. building a house, purchase of an apartment).

Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Badań Społecznych i Rynku Pracy
