Terms used in official statistics

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Barren arable land


Arable land is included in the arable soil of bonitation classes: V and VI.

Class V - Bad arable soils - less fertile, poorly fertile and unreliable soils. These include soils that are too light, as well as shallow and rocky, usually poor in organic matter, and soils that are too wet, not drained or not suitable for melioration. Light and dry soils of this class belong to poorly fertile or very poorly rye complex. Heavy and wet soils belong to the complex of agricultural usefulness of poor cereal and fodder. These soils are generally not suitable for planting orchards. Rye, lupine and sometimes potatoes are grown on light and dry soils of this class. The selection of appropriate plants largely depends on the water conditions and the degree of agricultural culture. These soils are only suitable for growing some types of fruit trees. In shallow Cretaceous rendzinas of this class, wheat, esparceta and white clover can also be grown, but the yields of these plants are much lower than in the higher classes.
Class VI – The worst arable soils - these soils are poor, defective and unreliable, the yields of crops grown there are very low and uncertain. Wet soils of this class show a constantly too high level of groundwater, often there is rotten organic form. It is very difficult to carry out melioration on these soils. They are not suitable for the cultivation of cereals and root crops and should rather be used as pasture. They are also not suitable for planting orchards.

Prices of arable land in private sales (quarterly) are quoted the purchase/sales prices, as well as lease prices of selected agricultural land for agricultural activity. The source of information is a quarterly interview survey conducted in an individual farm, which was selected for agricultural sample surveys. The interviewer provides data on prices broken down by quarters.

  • Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 12 September 2012 on the soil science land classification
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2012 r. poz. 1246)

High-level terms

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Urząd Statystyczny w Szczecinie
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