International Labour Organization (ILO)
ILO is a currently affiliated UN agency, created in 1919. It deals with employment issues, especially limiting child labour, protecting workers' rights, improving working and living conditions, creating jobs, as well as developing international labour standards. It brings together representatives of governments, employers and workers. The ILO headquarters is located in Geneva. The main aim of ILO is to promote employment, creating new jobs, rights at work, enhance social protection and dialogue. ILO has developed the Decent Work Agenda, focusing on the improvement of economic conditions of work, and also promoting the possibilities of decent employment for women and men.
ILO monitors whether Member States are complying with their obligation under ratified the ILO Convention, the organization also investigates the complaints on entities violating international workers right. The ILO's intention is to put the spotlight on the employees' problems, to suggest the ways how to solve these problems, and also indicate measures helpful in implementing the solutions.
The organization collects and elaborates information related to social and economic policy, also runs the international integrated system of information on work (known as ILIS) designated to harmonize and integrate data within the computer data bank.
Current ILO priorities include reducing work performed by children, improving equality of male and female employment and protecting the environment.
The International Conference of Labour Statisticians, in which the representatives of Statistics Poland take part, meets every year in Geneva. The Conference is invited to make recommendations on selected topics of labour statistics in the form of resolutions and guidelines.
Polish official statistics, especially Statistics Poland, as its main coordinator, is obliged to share statistical information with the statistical agencies of the UN, such as ILO. For example, in 2017, data concerning unemployment, wages, average employment and the average gross salary in the national economy was send to ILO.