International Statistical Institute (ISI)
The International Statistical Institute was the first statistical institution at the international level, created in 1885 in London. This is a non-profit, non-government organization having had a consultative status in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1948. The ISI headquarters is located in the Hague,
Most national statistical offices around the world are represented as part of organizational affiliation to the Institute, which also includes international agencies, central banks and academic departments. ISI's mission is to globally promote and support the development of statistics, promote the profession a statistician and the international statistical community, as well as improve statistical methods and popularize them in the world. As part of the ISI activity, conferences, workshops, professional ethics trainings are organized, awards and distinctions are given, consultancy is provided and journals are published.
The ISI World Statistics Congresses (WSC) take place once every two years in different countries are the highpoint of activities of the ISI. During the meetings the President of Statistics Poland, as ex officio member of the Institute, also participates. The conferences are of scientific nature and enable meeting of people specializing in various statistical domains. Associated with the WSC are Satellite Meetings, some of which were organized in Poland, like in Cracow, in 2011.
International Association for Official Statistics – IAOS is an association founded in 1985. It is an international non-governmental organization (NGO), which was created and developed as a specialized section of the International Statistical Institute. It is thus an Association of physical and legal persons who have scientific or professional interest in the field of official statistics. IAOS brings together producers and users of official statistics. The objectives of IAOS are:
- to promote the understanding and advancement of official statistics and related subjects.
- to foster the development of effective and efficient official statistical services, particularly in developing countries, through international contacts among individuals and organizations, including users of official statistics as well as research institutions.