Activities Of Associations And Similar Organizations, Foundations, Faith-based charities, Business and Professional Associations In 2022 - preliminary results

In 2022, in Poland there were 103.4 thousand non-profit organizations, which affiliated 8,3 million members. They had 153.4 thousand full-time jobs, which accounted for 1.4% of the average employment in the national economy. In connection with the hostilities in Ukraine, the organizations provided assistance to 17.5 million people and transferred material and financial support worth PLN 1.6 billion.
Update 27.11.2024
Correction in paragraph 4 on page 6:
It was:
The second important element of the support was the providing food support - every fifth (20.2%) non-profit organization provided support in this form. In addition, the organizations provided medical assistance or health care (5.8%), offered child care or educational support (5.4%), and helped provide accommodations (4.2%).
There is:
The second important element of the support was the providing food support - every fifth (20.2%) non-profit organization provided support in this form. In addition, the organizations offered child care or educational support (18.4%), helped provide accommodations (14.4%), and provided medical assistance or health care (5.8%).
In paragraph 4 on page 6, all active organisations were mistakenly used as the basis for calculations, rather than a group limited to organisations that provided assistance.