International trade in services by modes of supply (MoS) in 2023

With the dynamically increasing share of services turnover in the current account of the balance of payments of both Poland and other countries, it is observed the growing demand for information describing the phenomenon of international trade in services. Data users are more and more interested not only in information on the volume of international trade in services by a kind of service or a partner country, but also in qualitative information enabling more detailed description of the phenomenon of international trade in services than is in the case of the regular survey International trade in services currently carried out in accordance with Statistical survey program of official statistics. One of the thematic areas indicated by users, both individual and institutional, in particular by international organisations such as the OECD or the WTO, is, among others, the phenomenon of international trade in services taking into account the ways in which they are provided, and its impact on the economic development of countries and regions, as well as on the progressive process of globalisation.
In response to this demand, Statistics Poland releases data on international trade in services by modes of supply (MoS) which will now be disseminated on a regular basis.