Weekly deaths, which include age, sex as well as 73 subregion in 2024

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Summaries of weekly deaths, which include age, sex as well as subregion of residence of the deceased (Weekly deaths).

The data was prepared by Statistics Poland, taking into account the detailed levels of aggregation, i.e. sex, age groups categorised in 5-year periods, subregions (NUTS-3, according to NUTS2016) and weeks of occurrence. The data contains information about Polish residents only.

The data will be updated on a monthly basis. The data for 2024 has the status of preliminary data. Current data will be updated every month by adding subsequent weeks. Due to the methodological aspects of the survey (the process of obtaining and processing data from the register offices), the data from the period of past 4-6 weeks in the time series may not be complete.

Warning! Data by subregions has been compiled according to deceased’s place of residence. Weekly data has been compiled in accordance with ISO8601. This means that the first week of the year can contain days from the previous year, and the last week can contain days from the following year. Therefore, particular weeks of the year do not add up to individual months or the total number of deaths in respective year.

Data on weekly deaths in Poland is also reported to Eurostat. Therefore, we also encourage you to visit the Eurostat database, which collects data on deaths from the EU countries. Thus, analysis of death statistics can be conducted in a wider context.


Due to the entry into force of new provisions in the Act Law on Civil Status Records, the organization of the "Deaths. Mortality. Life expecntancy" survey has changed. The change involves transferring the obligation to submit some data on deaths to the Statistics Poland by medical entities, including information about the place of residence of the deceased person. Therefore, to prepare data on deaths by week since 2024 are possible after receiving complete information enabling the preparation of tables by territorial dimension (subregion).



