Third newsletter concerning Pan-African Statistics Programme II (PAS II)

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Date of publication: 10.03.2025
Frequency of publication: semi-annual edition

ECOBUSAF and SOCSTAF are two components of the Pan-African Statistics Programme II (PAS II) funded by the EU. International consortia are formed by European statistical offices (France, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Norway and Poland). These components aim at supporting African integration through the reinforcement of national, regional and continental statistical systems. SOCSTAF concerns the development of social statistics in the national statistical offices of the African Union countries, and ECOBUSAF focuses on economic statistics.

The area of activity for Statistics Poland concerns the social statistics component (SOCSTAF) and focuses on sharing knowledge and experience in conducting censuses. The consortium for this component is formed by Denmark (coordinator), Finland, France, Spain and Poland.

This is the third issue of a newsletter highlighting the major events organised as part of the ECOBUSAF and SOCSTAF projects.

This newsletter covers the activities carried out in second half of 2024 and gives an overview of up-coming multi-country events, in 2025.

Enjoy your reading!

It is available here:

