The List of Identifiers and Names of the Units of Territorial Division of the Country. Territorial division as of 1st January 2015

Date of publication: | 27.03.2015 |
In The List…, as individual items in the group of the territorial division units, there were included the quarters of Capital City Warszawa and the representations (former quarters) of cities: Kraków, Łódź, Poznań and Wrocław as well as the towns and rural areas which form urban-rural gminas. The identifiers of the units of territorial division were specified in: - Attachment no 1 to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of December 15th 1998 on detailed principles of running, using and making available the territorial register and related to it obligations of the state administration agencies and self-government entities (Journal of Laws of 1998 No 157, item 1031), − the successive Regulations of the Council of Ministers which amended the above Regulation with regard to Attachment no 1 thereto (Journal of Laws of 2000 No 13, item 161, of 2001 No 12, item 100 and No 157, item 1840, of 2002 No 177, item 1459, of 2003 No 208, item 2022, of 2004 No 254, item 2535, of 2005 No 206, item 1706, of 2006 No 36, item 246 and No 214, item1577, of 2007 No 192, item 1386, of 2008 No 215, item 1358, of 2009 No 202, item 1559, of 2010 No 257, item 1727, of 2012, item 403 and 1389, of 2013, item 1585, and of 2014, item 1829). Similarly to the previous presentations, this publication includes the list of the units of territorial division by voivodships, and also alphabetical lists of: powiats, cities with powiat status, gminas and their parts as well as towns. |