Values and social trust in Poland (folder)

Do people in Poland trust each other? Do they trust in public institutions? Which values are the most important in their lives? To what extent they accept behaviours considered as reprehensible? Answers to these and many other questions concerning quality of life and social situation can be found thanks to the introduction of multidimensional Social Cohesion Survey to the Polish systemof social statistics. The unique character of this survey is based on the fact that it integrates all of the most important, objective and subjective aspects of the quality of life at the level of individual data. A cyclic character of the survey allows to monitor the social situation in Poland and enables the assessment of activities undertaken to reduce poverty, to develop social integration and to strengthen both human and social capital. Presented results are derived from the 2 edition of the Preparation: Social Cohesion Survey, conducted in the first half of 2015.