The situation of households in 2023 on the basis of results of the Household Budget Survey

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Corrected: 02.12.2024

In 2023 the financial situation of households improved. Households achieved in nominal terms both higher income and expenditure. The level of average monthly available income per capita in 2023 rounded to 1 PLN, amounted to PLN 2678 and was higher by 13.7% in nominal terms, and by 2.1% in real terms than the income in 2022. The average monthly expenditure per capita in households in 2023 reached the value of PLN 1636 and was higher by 9.4% in nominal terms, and lower by 1.8% in real terms than expenditure in 2022. Expenditure on consumer goods and services amounted to PLN 1580 and was higher by 9.8% in nominal terms, and lower by 1.5% in real terms in comparison with 2022.[1] The share of expenditure in available income decreased from 63.5% in 2022 to 61.1% in 2023, and reached the lowest in the period since 2010 level.

[1] Due to the introduction of a new classification of individual consumption by purpose in 2013, based on harmonized COICOP classification for all surveys of the European Statistical System, the results for 2010–2023 are presented in comparable conditions – each “expenditure” item from 2010–2012 was supplemented by the “life-insurance contributions” item.

